Wednesday, September 15, 2010

{Breakfast with Beauties}

Lovely Baroque chair with two of the most beautiful actresses sitting pretty.
So sassy. So vintage. 
And what an ice-breaker in a room full of strangers... "Would you mind moving a bit? I cannot look at Audrey."

Buy them here.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

{Chai Why}

Fun and cheeky, isn't it?
100% organic cotton tees. In two great shades.
Best of all - I finally get to feature some nice stuff from an Indian online store :)

Buy here.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

{Knotted up}

I love the design. Its simple, and brilliant. Though, personally I wouldn't want it in my room - it reminds me of an anaconda... but discarding all those fancies of an overactive mind, it is a great design. It was a collaboration between Herman Miller and Pratt students.

More about this here
image via here.